Wednesday, September 3, 2008

If you have to evade from your can learn it from our countrymen, and if you want to
learn the innumerable ways , you have Mr. ManMohan Singh.

When Mr. Bush asks him to speak to the various diplomats of various countries to convince them about permitting India to be a part of NSG, he refuses to co operate. "It is the responsibility of the United States to convince the diplomats around the world."...............crazy man.

When J&K burns, it is a state issue.......Centre must not intervene.!!

What the f***k........
Time we listed down the duties of this guy and pasted it on his toilet wall :)

When his daughter initiates movements against the atrocities committed over Indian students at USA, he got so politically insecure that he didnt allow her to accompany him when he went to meet Bush.
Nut Case............
PM stand for PLEASE MAY I .......................

1 comment:

Chaioholic said...

Nice comparisions to prove ur point. Good post....