Saturday, December 20, 2008

Why Pakistan again and again ????

Good Evening!!

I hope all you good people are doing great. Isnt it funny.....i mean i am splitting into peals of laughter. Pakistan was always excused by the global community for being dominated by its army. They have always blamed their entire sack of woes to the military rule that stabbed the nation, not once or twice but three times!!

For a person who keeps his knowledge updated using national newspapers and gobbles up the facts like his breakfast, he is bound to empathize and sympathise with my very dear neighbors. However, I have this bad habit of savoring every bit of information and chewing it well.

Why is it that every nation that had a tryst with dictators never happened to suffer the same twice??

You got time to ponder over my query till I sit down and update my favorite place.

See you soon.

By the way. I got an exam let me chew some questions.

See you.

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